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Friday, February 4, 2011

Justin Bieber Kissing A Girl: Selena Gomez?

In this photo, Justin Bieber is kissing a girl on the lips. The girl looks very much like Selena Gomez. These Justin Selena kissing pictures are a top search on Google, Yahoo and Bing and people are getting crazy over these kissing pics..!! Why is it a big deal for Justin to kiss Selena?


  1. Justin is the worst music artist and he did not win any Grammys so I don't care

  2. Can i just add one thing.
    Heres the actually picture of selena, Justin and her were not kissing.
    She was simply pouting her lips at DAVID HENRIE
    Picture: http://oceanup.com/legacy/2009/03/12/david-henrie-selena-gomez-dating.jpg

  3. that doesnt not look lik sekena that gurl has brown hair selena has black waht do u think we are idiots

  4. thats is defo not selena , but who isit then . how can it be fake unless someone photoshoped it ?
    but if it is actuaually someone then who .. lol this is really anoying because i dont know who it is :P

    when someone finds out tell me :D
    Rock On Justin Biebs !!x

  5. I love crappy photoshops XD

  6. these are real this was at california he gone with selena for a date definite not fake

  7. lmao this is photo shopped :PP its wat j0joann said XD who ever did tht has no life i swear i dont get why ppl get so worked up over celebrities.

  8. eee gente esta foto e falso olha a foto do jb ak ele tava com um ursinho http://www.google.com.br/imgres?imgurl=http://media.onsugar.com/files/2010/04/16/5/495/4950662/60/JustinKissingBear.jpg&imgrefurl=http://justinbieber.onsugar.com/date/2010/02/17%3Fpage%3D1&usg=__O723qG8ZU8BJMtgVAVSBvrVrdHs=

  9. love selena linda gomes e justin lindo bieber...

  10. This photo is a hoax, is a montage! The true picture of Selena Gomez is in this site: http://www.disneydreaming.com/2009/03/18/we-still-think-selena-gomez-and-david-henrie-are-a-couple/ - she's kissing the real David Henrie after the movie "Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie"

    Esta foto é uma farsa, é uma montagem ! A verdadeira foto de Selena Gomes se encontra neste site: http://www.disneydreaming.com/2009/03/18/we-still-think-selena-gomez-and-david-henrie-are-a-couple/ - na verdadeira ela esta beijando David Henrie depois do filme "Os Feiticeiros de Waverly Place: O Filme"

  11. fuck off justin. you death. i ammario in bulgaria fuck you justin for LA

  12. can't any of you's tell that it's photoshoped? i studied photography and media, if you look carefully her nose is cut off -.-

  13. i agree with Stephaniellie the nose is cut off. I don't get why people really dont like Justin Bieber maybe cause he is only because he is 16 and makes more money than any of us ever will? i don't know but don't hate the kid there is no reason to.

  14. I dont think it was big deal for Justin Bieber to kiss the girl of his life because according to the news Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are a nice young couple!

  15. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Watch online
    Check here to Watch Online=====>>>>

    Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Watch online
    Check here to Watch Online=====>>>>

    Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Watch online
    Check here to Watch Online=====>>>>
